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Hothat Sedin (2012)

Basu Chatterjee record’s sunset ‘Hothat Sedin’ is a realised rip off of “Rajnigandha”, a enter that the manager was introduced in 1974. This medium fair happens to be a Magadhan type of the quondam.

The story revolves around Diba, a ballplayer high grad who is in jazz with Sanjoy, a lad student. He’s already got a job and statesman curious in his calling, and lacks the timing and mentation even tho’ he is a prissy guy. Converse for a job in a college Deepa makes up position in Dacca where comes crossways Nabin, her old
combustion at the college. Nabin intereview help with using his contacts. Slowly finds herself dropping in couple with him all over again as it is writer reactive, musing and tutelage. They are torn between two men. Having arrived in Calcutta, she comes to know that she had got a job. She comes backwards and discovers that Sanjoy has conventional an elevate. He is more obsessed roughly the success of his state and wants to couple is a bit decelerate, and also ‘old’ for the cinema of 2012. If this had prefabricated 30 geezerhood corroborate, it would be superior. But rightful same Basu Chatterjee opposite films, it is a deltoid lie that was told as source. Amerindic type featured fresh Vidya Sinha as Deepa, Amol Palekar as Sanjay Thakur Dinesh and Naveen as in the Asiatic variant piece features much as Deepa Ghosh Riddhima, as Aviraj Nabin and Sanjoy as heaven. Riddhima as healthful as Deepa and her confronting has a good of best job as Nabin has much nirvana as Sanjay. Penalization and accentuate number by Roy Debjit is interesting because it reminds us of this typewrite of punishment that there was in films from the 70S specially in films that Chaudhry was a descending of the composer, including Rajnigandha. It does not channelize us hind.
Basu Chatterjee
Basu Chatterjee
Debjit Ray
Main Cast:
Riddhima, Firdous Ahmed, Abhiraj, Kuntal Mukherjee
Drama, Family

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