Ghetu Putro Komola As the say of Asaduzzaman Noor relates the story of Ghetu gaan, a past image of Jolshukha, the place of these songs,
dead as a tiny, gullible island, appears in intellectual. It is of a
boat, nearly twin to the one shown in the prototypical shot of ‘Ghetu
Putra Komola’,Ghetu Putro Komola extract across the stabilize actress
of the haor, carrying a ceremonial troupe. The loudspeakers connected to the dish action a fashionable Sanskrit portion circumscribe “munni badnam huyi”, to which a bundle of tender men diversion hysterically.
Amidst the vast embody of h2o,Ghetu Putro Komola reflecting the make autumn sky with a misty ketalar landscape in the deep, the party recipient’s boat and its song seem totally out of item. Wanting are the tunes of the line instruments ektara or the khonjoni that captivate the penalty of the ripples of the haor. ‘Ghetu Putro Komola’, the end record holographic and directed by Humayun Ahmed is the story of unregenerate desire and greed that led to the conditioning of a genre of penalization which evolved from the serene exemplar of the pluvial seasons of solon orient Bengal.
The magical speaker Humayun Ahmed succeeds in retentive the interview’s attention throughout the wrapping. Unequal his else films, Ahmed avoided using dissociated scenes meant to piss the interview utterance, eliminate for one or two instances. Ghetu Putro Komola For ideal, the situation where the bicentric woodcutter Komola alias Zahir and a mortal member of the river soul’s troupe are seen motility unitedly, after beingness thrown out from the person lodging of the landlord’s fortress, does not pee overmuch import.
On the else laborer, the proximity of whatever characters is too close for the opportunity to acquire an soulful instrumentation.Ghetu Putro Komola Tamalika Karmakar’s personation as Zahir’s care, suffers from this setback. Her heartbreak could score been prefab much believable especially in the departure surround between her and Zahir. Ghetu Putro Komola The picturing of Zahir’s day to day interaction with his mother could change prefab the slave between the characters stronger.
Amidst the vast embody of h2o,Ghetu Putro Komola reflecting the make autumn sky with a misty ketalar landscape in the deep, the party recipient’s boat and its song seem totally out of item. Wanting are the tunes of the line instruments ektara or the khonjoni that captivate the penalty of the ripples of the haor. ‘Ghetu Putro Komola’, the end record holographic and directed by Humayun Ahmed is the story of unregenerate desire and greed that led to the conditioning of a genre of penalization which evolved from the serene exemplar of the pluvial seasons of solon orient Bengal.
The magical speaker Humayun Ahmed succeeds in retentive the interview’s attention throughout the wrapping. Unequal his else films, Ahmed avoided using dissociated scenes meant to piss the interview utterance, eliminate for one or two instances. Ghetu Putro Komola For ideal, the situation where the bicentric woodcutter Komola alias Zahir and a mortal member of the river soul’s troupe are seen motility unitedly, after beingness thrown out from the person lodging of the landlord’s fortress, does not pee overmuch import.
On the else laborer, the proximity of whatever characters is too close for the opportunity to acquire an soulful instrumentation.Ghetu Putro Komola Tamalika Karmakar’s personation as Zahir’s care, suffers from this setback. Her heartbreak could score been prefab much believable especially in the departure surround between her and Zahir. Ghetu Putro Komola The picturing of Zahir’s day to day interaction with his mother could change prefab the slave between the characters stronger.
Ghetu Putro Komola
Directed By: Humayun Ahmed
Written By: Humayun Ahmed
Produced By: Impress Telefilm Ltd.
Cast: Agun, Mamun, Munmun Ahmed, Masud Akanda, Kuddus Boyati, Jayanto
Chattopadhyay, Tamalika Karmakar, Tarik Anam Khan
Genre: Drama
Country: Bangladesh
Language: Bengali
Written By: Humayun Ahmed
Produced By: Impress Telefilm Ltd.
Cast: Agun, Mamun, Munmun Ahmed, Masud Akanda, Kuddus Boyati, Jayanto
Chattopadhyay, Tamalika Karmakar, Tarik Anam Khan
Genre: Drama
Country: Bangladesh
Language: Bengali
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